Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sleepy Head

I wish I could say that this was the case everyday, and that this was a nick name we had coined for Isla from early on...but sadly, it is not. I am sure that every parent goes through it, although I have seen and heard of these mythical babies that just sleep as soon as you put them in the crib day or not, without so much as a peep. I will keep believing, however, that they do not exist. 

From day one, Isla was a baby that HATED to be put down. She hated lying on her back, she hated being left in the swing and she definitely hated to have her diaper and clothes changed. For the first two weeks of her life, we slept with her on our chests. My mom (God bless her), stayed with us for the first week and a half. We literally took turns sleeping with her 'round the clock. Sean had to go back to work, so we let him get a few extra hours, but my mom and I would switch in the middle of the night. I would breastfeed and my mom would sleep, then my mom would wake up, sit on the couch with Isla, and I would sleep....and so the rotation went. 

I remember crying to my mom in that first week saying "What are we going to do?? At this rate, Isla will be 10 years old and still sleeping on top of us!". She assured me that wouldn't be the case, and that Isla just needed to be held and be with us. Thankfully, she was right. Eventually we were able to transition her to sleep with us in the bed, and now she is able to sleep on her own in the bassinet beside our bed. She is a pretty good sleeper at night (although last night was an exception as she has grown out of her newborn woombie and was able to get a hand free...that hand seemed to have a mind of it's own and kept poking her in the eye. This meant hours of me trying to push the hand back in... ) and generally gets to sleep in her bassinet anywhere between 8 and 9. She will wake up to eat around 4 or 5, and then go back to sleep until about 8. I really can't complain about that as she is only 12 weeks old today. I am just waiting for the sleep regression though, and feel that it is looming- she is becoming more antsy around 1-2 am, and not really responding to my go back to sleep pleas as often. 

Right now, Isla truly dislikes the nap. She fights it with every inch of her body. For the time being I usually cuddle her, and she falls asleep (sometimes with a few tears) in my arms. At one point the swing was a Godsend, and she would sleep in there. I think she has caught onto my trick though and knows that the swing brings sleep- so now she just screams when she is put into it. Smart cookie. I have started to trick her in other ways, such as going for walks, shopping and taking the really long way home from wherever we are!  That is working for me right now, so I am going with it. 

Everyone says that nap time and a sleep schedule will fall into place around 4-5 I guess for now I will just relax and enjoy the snuggles while they last!  

How could I not, with this cute little face...

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