Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Milk Factory

Sometimes this is exactly what I feel like! 

Isla and I stopped our breastfeeding experience somewhere around 5 weeks. After 5 weeks of pure and complete pain, I called it quits! I didn't make this switch lightly- and it really bothered me to do so, but in the end, I can honestly say we are both WAY happier. 

It started with cracked nipples and the standard engorgement that came with a new baby and the beginning of milk production. It then turned in to thrush, which was absolutely awful and required 10 days of dying ourselves purple with gentian violet. Once the thrush cleared, my nipples just kept getting way worse. 

We had help- good help. Our midwives were there in the beginning to assist, and I even had a lactation consultant come to our house. Isla ate a ton. She really did. She was just a very ferocious eater with a shallow latch, which made breastfeeding incredibly painful. I got to the point where there was no skin left on my nipples, and I would cringe in pain when she latched on, and then have to pull her off a few minutes later so that I could breathe. She was so peaceful and cute while she was sleeping, and I began to actually dread her waking up because I knew the pain that would bring. 

So 5 weeks in, I cracked. I was miserable (Sean can attest to that), Isla was incredibly fussy and we were just not happy. I decided that I would pump as much as I could, and then offer it to her in a bottle. Well, that was a hit. She was over the moon as she could chug milk incredibly fast. Isla was finally a completely happy camper, and hasn't looked back since. 

It had been such a hard decision to back in the breastfeeding. All throughout my pregnancy, I just assumed this is what I would do. To stop meant I would ultimately fail, and that was probably the hardest part. Looking back on it now, stopping was the best choice I made. Isla ultimately ended up with a happier mom, and now when she wakes up, she sees a smiling face instead of a sad one!

So how long can this exclusive pumping last? My goal is to make it until she begins solids. So 5 or 6 months I guess. She will be turning 3 months next week, so I think this goal is very possible. As long as my milk supply keeps up (I sometimes miss pumps if we are out and about), and she doesn't all of a sudden start eating WAY more than she does now, we should be ok. She is getting way easier to handle in terms of being able to be on her own, and with my pumpease bra, I am the ultimate multi-tasker. We are talking bottle feed, change baby diaper and clothes, text and email, and pump all at the same time. I can get so much done from one little spot on the carpet!

As Isla begins solids, we will eventually wean out the milk. I really want to go camping etc this summer, and I really dont envision myself out in a canoe in the middle of the lake, trying to pump. I am able to freeze a fair amount of milk now (in fact I am sending Sean out to buy us a small chest freezer this weekend as it has slowly taken over our fridge freezer), so that may be able to work in my favour come the summer when I taper it off. 

For now, I am thrilled that I am able to give Isla the best gift I possibly can, a big, genuine smile everyday and a ton of love :)

1 comment:

  1. YOu are doing an AWESOME job!! The other benefit is that we get to cuddle with Isla and feed her;)
