Sunday, July 22, 2012

8 months old!

This post is a few weeks late- but better late than never! Isla turned 8 months old recently... that is starting to get us pretty close to a year. Crazy! 

We have been out and about the past few weeks visiting Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandparents. We spent a week in Wyevale with Sean's family visiting with cousins Anna and Liam. Isla had a fantastic time swimming in Georgian Bay... I totally thought it would be too cold for her, but she absolutely LOVED it. Then we headed up north to visit with my side of the family and spent two weeks there. It was the perfect timing as Melody only had two day trips to Sudbury planned, so we got to spend a lot of time with her which Isla really enjoyed. Isla was showered with kisses from Melody the entire time. So cute! We went swimming in the lake a few times, went for a paddle boat ride, enjoyed the carousel and train in North Bay and just spent a lot of time outside by the lake. 

We have really noticed how busy and active Isla is, but she truly loved the outdoors- she could be bouncing around and screaming one second, but the minute that you take her outside she is calm and happy. I really like that she enjoys it so much. 

These few weeks of traveling have also given Isla a chance to really grow. She has all of a sudden grown out of a bunch of clothes and shoes, will now sit on her own for a decent amount of time (she has been able to sit for awhile, but was too fidgety to stay that way for longer than 5 seconds!), can wave hello and goodbye, loves to copy people with funny sounds, signs "milk", loves playing with the baby in the mirror, has one front tooth and has moved into her big girl car seat!!! What a month!!

Isla is also developing quite the little appetite. She is able to eat a lot of different things now and her current favourite are the veggie nuggets that I whipped up the other day. Most food ends up on the floor at some point, but every little bit of these nuggets make their way into her mouth. They are super easy to make and just have broccoli, cauliflower, apples, breadcrumbs and a little oil. I am going to try some different variations of them using some different vegetables and see how they go. 

After all of that traveling, it was really nice to get home yesterday and go to sleep in our own bed (with Isla in her own room!). The past few weeks she has been waking up more often during the night... a mixture of teething and us sleeping beside her... so I am hoping that she can get back into the habit of sleeping on her own through the night. She woke up around 4 am last night, but managed to put herself back to sleep without us going in, so that is a good start!

Here are a few of our monthly pics and some others as well: