Thursday, October 25, 2012


And the little feet are on the move! Isla has started to piece together that she can stand up.... and move. Slowly, she is starting to get a bit braver with taking steps on her own. She has actually gone quite far on her own, but she has to be balanced without holding onto us first. It is pretty cool to see her doing this all by herself! 

Last week was incredibly hectic as I attempted to figure out what to do for Isla's daycare situation. We had something set up which I thought was going to work really well, but discovered that Isla needed to be a bit more independent in order to go there. Such a shame, as it really made me so sad that someone didn't want her at their home everyday- such a cute, bright smiling face. I was pretty bummed out for a bit, and had the "I-am-staying-home-forever" melt down, but I think we came out of it ok. We literally had home daycare visits everyday. It got to be pretty funny, as I felt that I was just taking Isla to random people's houses to play for an afternoon and pass some time, never to see them again. I definitely saw what I didn't want to send her to, and I saw some that seemed decent. The thing I struggled with, was how do I leave her with someone I don't know. The few choices that I had ended up being the daycare providers children, and Isla- no one else. No other parents to talk to about their kids or to find out what was happening. How would I know what she really did during the day, or how she was really treated. When they are so small, I felt that I really needed to know who I was passing her over to. 

We decided to send her to one of the local daycare centres. It definitely cost more (almost double. yikes), but it is regulated, there are other kids her age to play with... and they document so much that I literally know every single minute of her day. She is so small and important to me, that I would rather pay more for her safety and my sanity at this point. I really wish we had found a home daycare with someone I trusted, where she could spend hours outside watching birds and playing on climbers, but it just wasn't happening. I think this is just more incentive to have another so that I can be home with both of them :)

Isla has been learning some cute new things lately:
- She can say Dad. Today at lunch, I put Sean's school photo in front of her. Isla smiled, said Dad and waved... and then offered him a piece of her grilled cheese. Priceless!
- Her favourite song is Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star- she will look at you and put her hands in the air, waiting for you to sing... with actions of course. 
- She tries to copy if you tilt your head and smile with her. She hasn't quite figured out how to get her head tilted to the side like that so it kind of goes back and up and she gives a really big smile
- She can blow kisses
- She loves when you crawl and "chase" her. She will stop and let me catch up and then smile and throw her head back just waiting to be tickled... and then do it all again. My jeans are now all covered in holes in the knees from this game!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

11 months old

My beautiful baby girl is 11 months old today. One month shy of her first birthday- seriously, where did this year go? I am in the process of making her a birthday book (wait for the post... this will literally take until her first birthday, but I am determined to accomplish it) and have had a great time looking at all of the pics we have taken this year. It is crazy to see the pictures and videos of when she was only a month or two old. How is it possible that I almost forget it already?? 

Isla is continuing to grow every single day- all of a sudden her 6-12 month pants are more like capris, and even her 12 month footed sleepers seem too short for her to move comfortably. Not sure where she gets the length from as Sean and I are exactly tall! A few more teeth have come in and we now have four top and four bottom... I am positive there are likely a few more pretty close, but I don't dare stick my finger in there as she chomps it immediately. Isla is walking all along and between furniture if it is close enough. The other day she actually took two steps towards me, but that is fairly rare. She is pretty good at standing when she wants to, although she doesn't stay in one spot long enough to really stand for very long! Isla can cruise along behind her walker with more of a run since it moves pretty quickly on the hardwood. She loves showing off her walking skills to anyone around and will look back and smile at us while doing so. 

As my last month of mat leave winds down, I am trying to sit back and enjoy every minute that I can with her. Even when she whines about getting her face washed, or having to get changed, I am vowing to smile through it and really be thankful for this time that I have had to spend. I would not have traded this year with Isla for anything in the world. I have been so fortunate to be able to watch her grow and learn every single day. 

Happy 11 month birthday, Isla :)