Really?? How on Earth has it come to be almost the last week in August?? Isla and I have been totally spoiled having Sean home every day, and it is going to be such a change when he needs to return to work in a week and a half! Isla will definitely miss her daddy during the day, but hopefully I will be able to amuse her enough to fill the time.
We have noticed such big changes in her recently:
- Her top four teeth have come in, and as soon as this happened, Isla started to make these funny smiles. It is super cute! She smiles so that all of her teeth show and gives a little laugh. What a monkey.
-She is now pulling herself up to absolutely everything. She loves standing and then letting go and falling to her bum. She will do in 10 times in a row- luckily her big cloth diapers protect her little bum from the hard floor! Not only has she started standing, but attempts to climb onto things. She will get her little feet up on the bottom drawer of her dresser and try to get up to the very top shelf for a book or toy. The other day she actually almost did a chin up when we were visiting a daycare as she really wanted into the bin of sponges!
- Isla waves hello (or goodbye) to absolutely everyone and everything. The moose clock in her room gets a wave when we pass it. Her pictures on our dining room walls get waves when she looks at them. Sean's poster of Jamling at the bottom of our stairs is her favourite and gets a massive smile and wave everytime we pass.
- She has started clapping... we haven't quite mastered the coordination as her hands don't always meet up and she doesnt make any noise... but the intent is there :)
- Isla signs for milk and will ask anyone in the vicinity of the fridge to get it for her! She can also sign bird and loves looking for birds and ducks outside. We can get her to sign more if we really encourage it, but usually just get a point.
- She loves giving "kisses", which involve her coming at you with a wide open mouth
- Isla is starting to like the slide at the park. She used to be solely interested in the swing (and eating the woodchips), but really likes going down the slide now. She will sit at the top, grab a hold of the sides, and launch herself down- we have to be pretty careful that we don't look a way for a minute or she will definitely try it on her own! For now, one of us has to get a good grip on her while she pulls this stunt.
We have finally almost figured out the daycare situation. We go on Wednesday for a visit and will make a final decision then, but we have a spot that came highly recommended from friends. It is such a stressful thing and hopefully it will work out that Isla really enjoys going to this spot!
It has been such a fast and amazing summer. I am so glad Sean had two months off to spend time with Isla- I love being able to sit with him and just watch her. She amazes me every single day.
We have noticed such big changes in her recently:
- Her top four teeth have come in, and as soon as this happened, Isla started to make these funny smiles. It is super cute! She smiles so that all of her teeth show and gives a little laugh. What a monkey.
-She is now pulling herself up to absolutely everything. She loves standing and then letting go and falling to her bum. She will do in 10 times in a row- luckily her big cloth diapers protect her little bum from the hard floor! Not only has she started standing, but attempts to climb onto things. She will get her little feet up on the bottom drawer of her dresser and try to get up to the very top shelf for a book or toy. The other day she actually almost did a chin up when we were visiting a daycare as she really wanted into the bin of sponges!
- Isla waves hello (or goodbye) to absolutely everyone and everything. The moose clock in her room gets a wave when we pass it. Her pictures on our dining room walls get waves when she looks at them. Sean's poster of Jamling at the bottom of our stairs is her favourite and gets a massive smile and wave everytime we pass.
- She has started clapping... we haven't quite mastered the coordination as her hands don't always meet up and she doesnt make any noise... but the intent is there :)
- Isla signs for milk and will ask anyone in the vicinity of the fridge to get it for her! She can also sign bird and loves looking for birds and ducks outside. We can get her to sign more if we really encourage it, but usually just get a point.
- She loves giving "kisses", which involve her coming at you with a wide open mouth
- Isla is starting to like the slide at the park. She used to be solely interested in the swing (and eating the woodchips), but really likes going down the slide now. She will sit at the top, grab a hold of the sides, and launch herself down- we have to be pretty careful that we don't look a way for a minute or she will definitely try it on her own! For now, one of us has to get a good grip on her while she pulls this stunt.
We have finally almost figured out the daycare situation. We go on Wednesday for a visit and will make a final decision then, but we have a spot that came highly recommended from friends. It is such a stressful thing and hopefully it will work out that Isla really enjoys going to this spot!
It has been such a fast and amazing summer. I am so glad Sean had two months off to spend time with Isla- I love being able to sit with him and just watch her. She amazes me every single day.
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