Monday, February 27, 2012

CP Visit

Isla and I just returned to Bolton after a week long visit to Carleton Place. We had the chance to visit with Melody, Jon and Krista at Ronald McDonald House, as well as catch up with friends we hadn't seen in awhile! Melody is currently undergoing treatment for leukemia at CHEO, and Isla loves being able to hang with her cousin. 
We also enjoyed a little walk at the Mill of Kintail in Almonte. I wanted to show Isla where her Mom and Dad got married, and grab a little family photo in front of the outdoor chapel. Isla apparently found the sleigh ride a little too relaxing and fell asleep. I am not one to wake a sleeping baby, so we left her in her sled for the pics. We will have to go back when she is a bit older!

While at my parent's place in CP, Isla really perfected the wake-up smile. I absolutely LOVE going to get her in the morning and after naps (provided she actually slept for a decent amount of time), because I get to walk into her room and see this:

As you can see, I still have Isla swaddled tightly in her woombie. She is a sneaky little nugget, and sometimes is able to wiggle a hand out of the top, but for the most part, sleeps amazingly inside this thing. She is coming up to 4 months, and I am terrified of having to eventually part with this sleep sack. She sleeps really well, and as soon as she is zipped inside, her eyelids begin to droop and she gives a little yawn. I am going to stick with it as long as possible. She isn't rolling over while sleeping yet, so I think I am ok for a little bit. I did buy a larger size with arm holes so that I can transition her one arm at a time, but for now, I enjoy my fairly good sleeps!

1 comment:

  1. Grampa and I really enjoyed our special time with you and Isla!! Sure miss those smiles!! It was so nice to see Isla and Melody together too:) They are very special cousins for sure!
